Continued support of charities and non-profit organisations is vital if they are to survive these difficult economic times. We are therefore delighted to confirm we are continuing our partnerships with the organisations below. It’s thanks to all those who book our hatching kits that it’s possible for us to do this, so thank you for helping us to help them!

Rare Breeds Survival Trust is a conservation charity whose purpose is to secure the continued existence and viability of native farm animals of the United Kingdom. It was founded in 1973 and since then, no UK-native breed has become extinct. Amongst many other things, the RBST maintains a watch list of rare native breeds of cattle, sheep, pigs, horses, goats and poultry.
We currently keep, breed and conserve 11 of the 40 UK rare chicken breeds, 8 of the 16 UK rare duck breeds and 5 of the 10 UK rare geese breeds. Meet some of the birds and find out more about these breeds here. Partnerships such as ours raise awareness and provide essential funding to enable RBST to continue their mission.
Our RBST sponsorship funding to date is £1,192.

JUST ONE TREE is a non-profit organisation supporting reforestation projects around the world. They combat Global Warming through planting trees and in the process they help provide education, training and sustainable incomes in poverty stricken areas. Evidence suggests that planting trees closer to the equator has the greatest cooling effect on the planet. The work of Just One Tree does exactly this, whilst simultaneously improving livelihoods.
By the end of 2023, our little Incredible Eggs forest will be 300 trees big. Once mature they will remove an estimated 6 tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere every year.
If you are a charity or social enterprise working in a related field and would benefit from sponsorship, please do get in touch by emailing headoffice@incredibleeggs.co.uk. We’d love to hear from you!