Schools & Nurseries

With 10 years experience working successfully with many hundreds of schools, nurseries and care homes, Incredible Eggs is a proven name you can trust, whether you are a confident old hand or an anxious first-time hatcher.
We understand the responsibility of ensuring your hatching kits are ethically sourced. Please see About Us and FAQs section for more comprehensive information about who we are and what we do.
See below for how it works and what’s included.

How does it work?
Wise Words:
“If children grow up not knowing about nature and appreciating it, they will not understand it, and if they don’t understand it, they won’t protect it, and if they don’t protect it, who will?” – 'Conserving Wonder', Sir David Attenborough
At the beginning of your pre-booked 10 day hire period, we will arrive at the school or nursery and set up the equipment. We will then run through the things you need to know and answer any questions.

The chicks, ducklings or partridges will hatch within a few days and are then transferred from the incubator to the brooding unit.

The birds then live in the brooding unit, where they can be cared for, carefully handled under adult supervision, observed and their antics enjoyed!

We recommend that a responsible adult takes the hatched birds home over the weekend, unless someone is on site to care for them. The kit is portable and fits into the back of a car.

We will then collect all equipment and any birds the setting wishes to sign over to our ownership if no suitable home is available. We provide a re-homing suitability checklist and guide.
What's included?
The package consists of EVERYTHING you need, delivered, set up for you and collected at the end of the process. This includes:

- Delivery and collection
- Hatching guide
- A downloadable comprehensive Risk Assessment and Bird Welfare Manual
- Setting up and instructions session with the supervising teacher
- Advice and support ‘hotline’ throughout the process
- Downloadable age appropriate learning resources, prepared by professionals
- Downloadable educational poster collection
- Downloadable individual Pupil Premium interventions – EYFS, Key Stage 1 & 2
- An incubator with excellent egg visibility
- Fertile hen, duck or partridge hatching eggs
- A brooding cage, complete with heater, drinker and feeder
- Wood shavings, to cover the brooder floor and feed
- An information poster about the work of Incredible Eggs and our ethos

Our Unique Wildlife Conservation Project
We are working alongside specialist breeders, farmers and landowners to increase the numbers of Grey Partridges in the wild. This once common native bird is now on the Birds of Conservation Concern ‘red list’. Red is the highest conservation priority, with species needing urgent action.
Our ‘hatch-for release’ partridge kits offer key stage 2+ the opportunity to get involved with a real, live wildlife conservation project.